Nominating Committee
Prior to the church’s annual meeting, a nominating committee needs to be formed to help choose who will be on the ballot at the annual church meeting. This board can have between 3-7 members of the church, including the pastor.
A nominating committee shall be used to nominate officers, boards, and district assembly delegates, whose nominations are not provided for elsewhere. The Nominating Committee shall consist of not fewer than three nor more than seven members of the church, including the pastor. The nominating committee is to be appointed by the pastor, and approved by the church board annually. The pastor shall be chairperson of the committee. All persons nominated by this committee shall affirm that they fulfill the qualifications required of church officers in paragraph 33.(113.10)
Annual Church Meeting
District Assembly is May 16th-17th this year, that means each local church can hold their annual church elections as early as February 15, 2025.
An annual church meeting shall be held within 90 days prior to the meeting of the district assembly. Public notice of the annual meeting must be given from the pulpit on at least two Sundays before the meeting. This annual meeting may be conducted on more than one day or in more than one service upon approval by the church board. (115.7)
At the annual church meeting there shall be an election, by ballot, of the stewards, the trustees, the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) President, and the members of the NDI Board, to serve for the next church year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Where laws permit and when it is approved by a majority vote of the church members present, all those elected may serve a two-year term. All those elected shall be active members of that same local Church of the Nazarene.
We direct our local churches to elect as church officers active members of the local church who profess the experience of entire sanctification and whose lives bear public witness to the grace of God that calls us to a holy life; who are in harmony with the doctrines, polity, and practices of the Church of the Nazarene; and who support the local church faithfully in attendance, active service, and with tithes and offerings. Church officers should be fully engaged in “making Christlike disciples in the nations.” (115.11)
February 22, 2025
@ Shiloh Park Retreat & Conference Center (during Celebrate Life)
March 22, 2025
@ Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
Per the manual, any church with fewer than 30 NYI members can take up to 4 elected delegates to the NYI Convention. This is in addition to any pastor who participates in NYI ministry and the NYI president. An additional delegate can be added for each additional 30 NYI members.
Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16-29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus. (810.219)
Per the manual, any church with fewer than 25 NMI members can have 2 delegates to the NMI convention. One additional delegate can be added per every 25 NMI members. This is in addition to the pastor or NMI president.
Elected delegates from each local church or church-type missions shall be NMI members (15 years of age or older). The number of maximum elected delegates shall be based on the following formula: two delegates from each local NMI of 25 members or fewer, and one additional delegate for each additional 25 members or major portion thereof. Membership shall be based on the NMI membership reported at the local NMI annual meeting when elections take place. (NMI Constitution, pg 357 - 3C)
Per the manual, the delegates for NDI convention are equal to 25% of your local officers, teachers, and leaders for Sunday School. This is in addition to the pastors or NDI president.
For example, if your church has up to 4 Sunday school teachers, officers, or leaders then you can take one delegate, as that is 25% of 4. If your church has between 5-8 Sunday school teachers, officers, or leaders then you can take 2 delegates, as 2 is 25% of 8, and so forth.
In addition to the delegates listed above, each local church in the annual meeting shall elect additional NDI delegates to the Convention. This number shall be 25 percent of the number of officers, teachers, and leaders of the local NDI ministries. In case elected delegates cannot attend the convention, alternate delegates shall be designated in the order of the votes received. (Article VIII, Section 1, b.)
District Assembly
May 16 & 17, 2025
@ Shiloh Park Retreat & Conference Center
Per the manual, every church can take 1 delegate per 50 full church members. This number does not include the pastor.
For example
1-75 full church members can have the pastor plus 1 delegate
76-125 full church members can have the pastor plus 2 delegates
126-175 full church members can have the pastor plus 3 delegates
and so on...
201.2. Local churches and church-type missions in districts of 5,000 or more full church members shall be entitled to representation in the district assembly as follows: one lay delegate from each local church or church-type mission of 50 or fewer full church members, and one additional lay delegate for each successive 50 full church members and the final major part of 50 full church members. (24, 113.14-113.15, 201)
Church Audit
Another important part of ending the fiscal year is doing an internal audit of your church's finances.
This audit can be as simple as an internal audit performed by a member of the congregation who is not the pastor or the treasurer. It can be as thorough as an external audit performed by a CPA or other qualified expert. While audits can serve as an accountability measure, their larger purpose is to identify ways to improve record keeping which is always useful in the complicated world of finances.
If your congregation does not already have systems in place which cover a regular audit, I am requesting this matter be placed on the agenda for board consideration and action.
To appoint an auditing committee or a committee of independent examiners, or such other qualified persons, that shall audit or examine, to at least the minimum standard required by national or state law if applicable, or other recognized professional standards, at least annually, the financial records of the treasurer of the church, the Nazarene Youth International (NYI), the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) Board, Nazarene childcare/schools (birth through secondary), and any other financial records of the church. The pastor shall have access to all records of the local church. (139.23)
Also, please be mindful of the state requirements that all churches have to file. Here is a list for your reference along with the dates they are due and how often they must be filed. You can do a Google search for any of these names to find the needed forms or on
Business Entity Report - January 31st
Due on even years - date varies by church
Send to: 302 W Washington St Room E-018, Indianapolis In 46204
Business Tangible Personal Property Return - May 15th
Forms 103 Short & 104
Send to your county assessor only if the property has changed in some way
NP-20 - May 15th
Due every 5 years
Property Tax Exemption – Form 136
(due date varies by church)
Only due on even years if property changes – send to your county assessor