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• Children •


2023-2024 Children’s Quizzing Dates


PLEASE NOTE: We plan to meet in person as long as we are not under any state, local, or other restrictions. If this is a problem for your church or for an individual quizzer, please let me know as soon as possible so we can make arrangements. In person quiz meets are more enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you for understanding. Locations for each quiz will be sent out as soon as all are finalized.


Children’s Bible Quizzing

What is it?

Children’s Bible Quizzing is a six-year Bible study program with a competition element, designed for children in grades 1-6. Children’s quizzing incorporates a variety of activities to help children immerse themselves in scripture learning what life was like in Bible times. Children will build their spiritual vocabulary, learn Characteristics of God, and also learn and discover new facts about the world during Bible times.

Click Here to learn more!

When do we meet?

Children’s quizzing is ran through both the local church and the district.

Each local church will decide when to meet for their team and we come together as a district 5 times throughout the school year to “compete” against each other! Quizzes are held at both area churches on the district and at the district campground. *See attached flyer for next year’s quizzing dates and information about quizzing this year with Covid-19*

What are we studying? This year (2022-2023) we will be studying 1 & 2 Samuel.  


  • The Foundry Publishing: Student Books, Leader Guides, Interactive Poster Sets, Scripture
  • Portions, and more!
  • Hide and Keep: Memory Verse DVD, Memory verse CD’s, scripture portion on CD, awards, etc.
  • Great to help visual/auditory/kinesthetic learners memorize verse!
  • FREE Online Quizzing Lessons: This wonderful parent will be taking time to make a fun video going over each quizzing dig site as we go through the year. This will be an incredible resource if you are unable to meet in person for quizzing lessons! The Word for Kids
  • Questions!: The questions from the end of each lesson can be found here in both power point format AND flash card format! These are great for review games at the local church level, home practice, or classroom study! South Central Ohio District has put this great resource together!

childrens Camps & retreats



Medical Form


Medication List


Volunteer Link 


Packing List


Lice Inspection & Release Form


View our Kids Min Calendar & Council Info HERE

Volunteer / Staff Application Process

  1.  Fill out the Online Application
  2. Get NazareneSafe Certified  
  3. Appropriate Criminal Background Check
    • Ask your pastor about having this completed through your church.
  4. Watch the Training Video 

Nazarene Safe

Sexual abuse is a growing problem, not just in the world, but in the Church. Statistics reveal that 1 in 3 girls, and 1 in 5 boys will be sexually abused by age 18. The Church of the Nazarene has adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy for sexual misconduct, that must be enforced at the local church level.

NazareneSafe exists to equip local churches in enforcing that policy, and creating safe environments for God’s family. NazareneSafe is the toolbox to help you build a safe, protected church. Every NEI Church must become a NazareneSafe Church!


Visit and implement a 5-Part Safety System:

     #1  Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

  • Visit the Nazarene approved company, Ministry Safe, for training: 
  • Use the training video resources purchased by the Church of the Nazarene available for free: Nazarene Media Library/ Nazarene Safe
  • See "Downloads" for a Power Point game called "Who Wants to be a Volunteer" to use for the quiz AFTER training is complete

     #2  Skillful Screening Training

  • See "Downloads" for an Application FormInterview Form, and Reference Check List

     #3  Appropriate Criminal Background Check 

     2 options:

     #4  Tailored Policies and Procedures

  • See "Downloads" for a Sample Policy that can be edited
  • Contact Rev. Gloria Hamitlon ( to schedule a workshop at your local  church to help you develop procedures for your unique space and needs.

     #5  Monitoring, Oversight, and Reporting

Promotional Video:

Church of the Nazarene video for promotion of Nazarene Safe

Nazarene Safe for Kids:

Would you like to teach your children age appropriate information about how to be safe? 

Rev. Gloria Hamitlon can be scheduled to teach a children's safety class called Nazarene Safe for Kids.  

Contact her for further information @

See "Downloads" for a list of Suggested Children's Literature for Teaching about Body Safety

Need help or have questions: 

Contact NEI Nazarene Safe Coordinator, Deven Swan  or Rev. Gloria Hamitlon


Orphan Initiative

 “Defend the cause of the fatherless” Isaiah 1:17

There are 4 ways that you can help.

  1. Advocate  –
    1. Orphan Sunday is on a Sunday in November each year.  Use the link for resources, information, and promotional materials.
    2. Indiana Adoption Awareness Events
  2. Sponsor – Child Sponsorship Nazarene Compassionate Ministries 
  3. Foster –Indiana Foster Care
  4. Adopt – Indiana Adoption 

Orphan Initiative Directors:

Sara Filler


Register here for the next conversation:  CONNECT 

Playground Project